2022.01.21 | 08:41:18

Lack of movement and the consequences: Why exercise is so important to be healthy and fit through exercise

Why does the human body need regular physical activity?

Our body is made for regular exercise:

Our ancestors moved a lot. Prehistoric people hunted and gathered to get food and moved constantly - on foot of course, without a fixed abode. Their range of travel when gathering food was about 20 to 30 kilometres. Even in centuries gone by, most people still spent many hours a day doing agricultural and other physical work on foot. However in "modern" times everything happened in quick succession: the car conquered the streets, the office job and assembly line work the labour market, and visits to the cinema and theatre and later television leisure activities. All of this is taken for granted today - and has one feature in common: it takes place while sitting or standing, but without movement. From a social point of view, people today live completely differently from 100,000, 10,000 or even 200 years ago. The body, however, has not changed; it is still that of a Stone Age hunter-gatherer who needs movement and is not designed for long periods of sitting. The modern, sedentary life syle is noticeably damaging to it.

Modern "civilisation diseases" - a consequence of general lack of movement:

From the feet to the leg muscles to the skin and metabolism: The human anatomy is designed for hours of walking on two legs, but not for permanent sitting. The result is that the body is constantly underchallenged and the muscles slacken and shorten, which leads to pain. Flabby muscles do not absorb sugar from the blood, as is actually their task, and thus upset the entire sugar metabolism. The cardiovascular system can also only function properly when the body is in motion.

The diseases that result from a sedentary everyday life are well known. They are so widespread in modern industrialised countries that they are now grouped together under one collective term: The diseases of civilisation. They are: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, gout, and also some types of cancer and numerous mental illnesses. Whilst a lack of exercise is of course not the only trigger of these diseases, it is largely undisputed as one of several causes.

Bringing more movement into life for a healthier lifestyle:

If you have a sedentary job, it is difficult to break out of the trap of physical inactivity. After all, a full-time job takes at least eight hours, then there are meals and in the evening sitting comfortably on the couch, which no one wants to miss out on. A person who works in an office and travels to work by car sits for up to 12 hours a day.

However with a little creativity, solutions can be found, because even small units of exercise can make a big difference when added together. These include, for example, using the stairs instead of the lift, getting off the bus one stop earlier, choosing a more distant parking space or, if possible, cycling to work, walking to a park bench instead of going to the canteen at lunchtime and having a meal there, or replacing the TV evening with a walk at least once or twice a week.

The CoreChair also makes it possible to move around even during sedentary office work, thus significantly reducing daily sitting time. Active sitting on the innovative CoreChair stimulates blood circulation and activates muscles, making it a similarly effective weapon against the ailments of civilisation as regular exercise.

Anyone who has exercised regularly or done so for several weeks knows what will happen. If illnesses are already present, they will of course not immediately vanish into thin air. But the mood brightens, listlessness gives way to motivation, the immune system is strengthened and conscious more intensive exercise in the form of sport has even been proven to work just as well as medication for some illnesses.

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